Nicole White Kennedy
“I cannot remember when I didn’t draw. My formative years were spent doodling in the margins. Having grown up around restaurateurs, I am by nature drawn to drama, storytelling and have acquired a lifelong habit of people watching. Which explains why I am particularly enamored with street scenes and beach people …subjects with a narrative flair. Being part Italian, I am artistically seduced by colorful ‘al Fresco’ European lifestyles and attitudes captured on canvas.”Resume Highlights: (Full resume click here) Nicole was juried intoamd won awards in two major national competitions in 2011: The American Impressionist Society, Carmel by the Sea CA (wining the Southwest Art Magazine Award of Excellence) and National Audubon Artists Org (Alfred & Mari Crimi Oil Award of Excellence) at Salmagundi Club NYC.
In 2010, Nicole won best State Fair scene in the annual juried event. Nicole's Beach People paintings won top awards; Jack Richeson Award at National Audubon Artists juried exhibit at Salmagundi Club NYC and First Place in the regional annual juried FALC Exhibit. Nicole has taken First Place awards in the NC State Fair and the Durham Art Guild's annual exhibits. She has exhibited over the years in numerous juried shows, national and regional. Three of her paintings were chosen for display in the US Embassy Denmark ’06-‘09. Nicole’s art is published in the coffee table book "Painting North Carolina; Impressions En Plein Air". Over the past few Nicole has been featured in American Art Collector in at least 4 issues (2010 and 2011), Southern Living Magazine, Artists and Art Galleries of the South and interviews in numerous regional publications. Jerry’s Artarama has created two DVDs featuring Nicole’s art instruction for sale nationwide. Over the past few years Nicole has had the opportunity to continue her art education with nationally acclaimed artists/instructors: Dawn Whitlelaw, Quang Ho, John Poon, Lori Putnam, Don Hatfield, Gregg Kruetz, Rick McClure, Perry Austin amoungst others. Nicole attended Parson's School of Design and School of Visual Arts in NYC pursuing an Art Director career. In 1996 Nicole moved to Raleigh opening Caffe Luna with her husband and started painting full time to decorate and sell out of the restaurant. In 2000, she established Nicole’s Studio & Art Gallery, featuring many top artists from local to national. It is now the #1 gallery for art Instruction in the area.